
又名:罗曼史 / Romance / Round Trip Heart

上映日期:2015-06-20(上海电影节) / 2015-08-29(日本)片长:97

主演:大岛优子 大仓孝二 洼田正孝 野嵜好美 西牟田恵 

导演:棚田由纪 / 编剧:棚田由纪 Yuki Tanada


《心路历程》(2015)原名《ロマンス》字幕下载 / 又名《罗曼史 / Romance / Round Trip Heart》中文字幕下载

26-year-old Hachiko Hojo works as a train attendant on a Romance Car, but doesn't have the self-confidence for a romance of her own. An encounter with a thief sends Hachiko on a journey to find her estranged mother and herself among the tourist attractions of Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture.


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 心路歷程 Round.Trip.Heart ( Romansu ) .2015.720p.BluRa
2019-05-12 心路歷程 Round.Trip.Heart ( Romansu ) .2015.720p.BluRa
2019-05-12 Round.Trip.Heart ( Romansu ) .2015.720p.BluRay.x2
