我们召唤黑暗We Summon the Darkness(2019)


主演:亚历珊德拉·达达里奥 约翰尼·诺克斯维尔 基恩·约翰逊 麦蒂·哈森 洛根·米勒 艾米·福赛思 爱丽珊·麦卡蒂 奥斯汀·斯威夫特 Stephanie Moroz 埃里克·阿塔瓦尔 坦纳·比尔德 Dennis Scullard Carlo Harrietha Nathan Michael Fletcher Jean-Mathieu Bérubé 德里克·詹姆斯·特拉普 

导演:马克·迈尔斯 / 


《我们召唤黑暗》(2019)原名《We Summon the Darkness》字幕下载

Set in the Midwest against a backdrop involving a killing spree thought to be orchestrated by a satanic cult. Three best friends embark on a road trip to a heavy-metal show, where they bond with three aspiring musicians and head off to one of the girls' country home for an after party. A night of fun and youthful debauchery takes a deadly turn as bodies begin to pile up, with each side thinking the other hides the killer.

