食人神之山La Montagna del dio cannibale(1978)

又名:山脉里的食人之神 / 遭遇食人族 / Primitive Desires / Slave of the Cannibal God / The Mountain of the Cannibal God


主演:乌苏拉·安德丝 斯泰西·基齐 克劳迪奥·卡西内利 Antonio Marsina Franco Fantasia Lanfranco Spinola Carlo Longhi Luigina Rocchi Akushula Selayah Dudley Wanaguru T.M. Munna M. Suki Giovanni Masini Franco Cuccu Franco Coduti 

导演:赛尔乔·马蒂诺 / 编剧:Cesare Frugoni/塞尔吉奥·马蒂诺 Sergio Martino


《食人神之山》(1978)原名《La Montagna del dio cannibale》字幕下载 / 又名《山脉里的食人之神 / 遭遇食人族 / Primitive Desires / Slave of the Cannibal God / The Mountain of the Cannibal God》中文字幕下载

Susan Stevenson and her brother Arthur get off a plane in Papua New Guinea, looking for her missing husband. They team up with, Dr. Edward Foster. The three head into the jungle, get in more than a few fights amongst themselves, and view lots of gratuitous animal cruelty, notable an iguana getting eviscerated.


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 食人神之山/The.Mountain.of.the.Cannibal.God.1978.720p.B
2019-05-12 食人神之山/The.Mountain.of.the.Cannibal.God.1978.720p.B
