
又名:后宫·如懿传 / 甄嬛传续集 / Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace

主演:周迅 霍建华 张钧甯 李纯 辛芷蕾 董洁 胡可 邬君梅 童瑶 陈昊宇 经超 黄宥明 陈冲 李沁 张佳宁 曹曦文 何泓姗 陈小纭 袁文康 曾一萱 于子洋 赵柯 刘美彤 韩丹彤 齐欢 李琦 蒋雪鸣 郭虹 宫晓瑄 闵春晓 关雪盈 张举举 林澄 夏楠 屈楚萧 吴倩 王纯 陈木易 孟召重 杨柳 王小橙 胡明 王伟 张丰毅 王劲松 李光洁 余少群 王鹤润 张棪琰 刘泽宇 

导演:汪俊 / 编剧:吴雪岚 Xuelan Wu


《如懿传》(2018)字幕下载 / 又名《后宫·如懿传 / 甄嬛传续集 / Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》中文字幕下载

The television series that will chronicle the marriage of Qianlong Emperor and the Step Empress, Ru Yi Ulanara. Starring Xun Zhou and Wallace Huo, the series is based on an online novel Zhen Huan Zhuan (2011) by Liu Lianzi (Xuelan Wu), and is the sequel to the critically acclaimed drama Empresses in the Palace. It airs on Tencent Video starting August 20, 2018.


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