
主演:一之濑飒 纲启永 尾碕真花 小原唯和 岸田达也 兵头功海 长田成哉 黄川田将也 涉江让二 泽井美优 永井大 团时郎 中越典子 田牧空 坂田梨香子 佐野史郎 北原里英 金城茉奈 吹越满 寺杣昌纪 高木涉 竹内良太 市道真央 草尾毅 朴璐美 中田让治 绿川光 稻田彻 前野智昭 盐屋浩三 白石凉子 关智一 

导演:上堀内佳寿也 / 中泽祥次郎 / 渡边胜也 / 坂本浩一 / 加藤弘之 / 



65 million years ago, the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe were selected to participate in a war campaign against the dictating Druidon Tribe who sought to rule Earth. But the Druidon's war campaign was halted by the meteor that brought the age of the dinosaurs to an end, forcing them to flee into space. Meanwhile, the Kishiryu were placed in a deep sleep as a failsafe should the Druidon return. The chosen knights choose to live in peace while passing their mantle down across generations. In the present day, the Druidon return to reclaim Earth as the current generation of knights, the Ryusoulgers, battle them with the support of Ui Tatsui and her father Naohisa Tatsui.


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