罗马假日Roman Holiday(1953)

又名:金枝玉叶(港) / 罗马假期(台) / 罗马的假日

上映日期:1953-08-20(威尼斯电影节) / 1953-09-02(美国)片长:118

主演:奥黛丽·赫本 格利高里·派克 埃迪·艾伯特 哈特利·鲍尔 哈考特·威廉姆斯 玛格丽特·罗林斯 托里奥·卡米纳提 保罗·卡利尼 克劳迪奥·埃尔梅利 保拉·布鲁布尼 里佐·弗雷多里佐 

导演:威廉·惠勒 / 编剧:伊安·麦克莱伦·亨特 Ian McLellan Hunter/约翰·戴顿 John Dighton/达尔顿·特朗勃 Dalton Trumbo


《罗马假日》(1953)原名《Roman Holiday》字幕下载 / 又名《金枝玉叶(港) / 罗马假期(台) / 罗马的假日》中文字幕下载

Joe Bradley is a reporter for the American News Service in Rome, a job he doesn't much like as he would rather work for what he considers a real news agency back in the States. He is on the verge of getting fired when he, sleeping in and getting caught in a lie by his boss Hennessy, misses an interview with HRH Princess Ann, who is on a goodwill tour of Europe, Rome only her latest stop. However, he thinks he may have stumbled upon a huge scoop. Princess Ann has officially called off all her Rome engagements due to illness. In reality, he recognizes the photograph of her as being the young well but simply dressed drunk woman he rescued off the street last night (as he didn't want to turn her into the police for being a vagrant), and who is still in his small studio apartment sleeping off her hangover. What Joe doesn't know is that she is really sleeping off the effects of a sedative given to her by her doctor to calm her down after an anxiety attack, that anxiety because she hates her regimented life where she has no freedom and must always do and say the politically correct things, not what is truly on her mind or in her heart. In wanting just a little freedom, she seized upon a chance opportunity to escape from the royal palace where she was staying, albeit with no money in her pockets. Joe believes he can get an exclusive interview with her without she even knowing that he's a reporter or that he's interviewing her. As Joe accompanies "Anya Smith" - her name as she tells him in trying to hide her true identity - around Rome on her incognito day of freedom somewhat unaware that the secret service is searching for her, along for the ride is Joe's photographer friend, Irving Radovich, who Joe has tasked with clandestinely taking photographs of her, those photos to accompany the story. As the day progresses, Joe and Ann slowly start to fall for each other. Their feelings for each other affect what both decide to do, Ann with regard to her royal duties, Joe with regard to the story, and both with regard to if there is a future for them together.

