六发子弹的手枪Six Shooter(2004)

又名:六响枪 / 六位枪手 / 六个火枪手


主演:布莱丹·格里森 Rúaidhrí Conroy David Wilmot 

导演:马丁·麦克唐纳 / 编剧:Martin McDonagh


《六发子弹的手枪》(2004)原名《Six Shooter》字幕下载 / 又名《六响枪 / 六位枪手 / 六个火枪手》中文字幕下载

At the hospital, a doctor gives Donnelly the bad news: his wife of many years has died. He visits her body, placing a photograph of their pet rabbit on her hands. Then, in the early morning light, he leaves and catches a train back home toward Dublin. He sits across from a young talkative man who seems to have a loose screw, making coarse observations, starting an argument with a couple in the next seats who are clearly tense with each other. Over the next few miles, Donnelly learns that all four have lost someone that night, and, in a strange turn of events, the kid bequeaths to Donnelly a gift that may ease his pain. There's a strange bond in grief.


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