决战以拉谷In The Valley of Elah(2007)

又名:以拉谷 / 进退维谷 / 震撼效应


主演:汤米·李·琼斯 查理兹·塞隆 杰森·帕特里克 苏珊·萨兰登 詹姆斯·弗兰科 巴里·柯宾 乔什·布洛林 弗兰西丝·费舍 约翰·威斯利·查特曼 杰克·麦克劳克林 麦卡德·布鲁克斯 乔纳森·塔克 韦恩·杜瓦尔 维克托·沃尔夫 布兰特·布里斯科 格雷格·塞拉诺 布伦特·塞克斯顿 德文·布洛楚 佐伊·卡赞 

导演:保罗·哈吉斯 / 编剧:保罗·哈吉斯 Paul Haggis/马克·波尔 Mark Boal


《决战以拉谷》(2007)原名《In The Valley of Elah》字幕下载 / 又名《以拉谷 / 进退维谷 / 震撼效应》中文字幕下载

In Monroe, Tennessee, Hank Deerfield, an aging warrior, gets a call that his son, just back from 18 months' fighting in Iraq, is missing from his base. Hank drives to Fort Rudd, New Mexico, to search. Within a day, the charred and dismembered body of his son is found on the outskirts of town. Deerfield pushes himself into the investigation, marked by jurisdictional antagonism between the Army and local police. Working mostly with a new detective, Emily Sanders, Hank seems to close in on what happened. Major smuggling? A drug deal gone awry? Credit card slips, some photographs, and video clips from Iraq may hold the key. If Hank gets to the truth, what will it tell him?

