极品飞车Need for Speed(2014)

又名:极速激战(港) / 极速快感(台)

上映日期:2014-03-14(美国/中国大陆) / 2014-03-12(英国)片长:130

主演:亚伦·保尔 达科塔·约翰逊 伊莫琴·普茨 迈克尔·基顿 多米尼克·库珀 拉米·马雷克 瑟·梅杰尔 卡迪小子 哈里森·吉尔伯特森 尼克·齐兰德 卡梅拉·孙巴多 拉蒙·罗德里格兹 史蒂文·韦格 利比·布兰顿 贾登·亚历山大 

导演:斯科特·沃 / 编剧:George Gatins/约翰·盖汀斯 John Gatins


《极品飞车》(2014)原名《Need for Speed》字幕下载 / 又名《极速激战(港) / 极速快感(台)》中文字幕下载

Framed by an ex-partner for a murder he did not commit, Tobey Marshall, a financially struggling custom-car builder and street-racer, spends two years in jail thinking about one moment. Fresh out of prison he reacquires the fastest car his workshop ever built and sold, and seeks to enter a secretive and extremely high-stakes race known as The DeLeon. His purpose; redemption, recognition from the world of racing and to solve his problems. Yet all this fades in comparison to his driving reason. Revenge. Above all, revenge. This is a story about love, redemption, revenge and motor oil all swirled together

