
又名:再会吧 ! 青春小鸟(台) / Have a Song on Your Lips


主演:新垣结衣 木村文乃 桐谷健太 恒松祐里 下田翔大 葵若菜 柴田杏花 山口麻友 佐野勇斗 室井響 渡边大知 真岛秀和 石田光 木村多江 小木茂光 角替和枝 井川比佐志 

导演:三木孝浩 / 编剧:持地佑季子 Yukiko Mochiji/登米裕一 Yûichi Toyone/乙一 Otsuichi


《唇上之歌》(2015)原名《くちびるに歌を》字幕下载 / 又名《再会吧 ! 青春小鸟(台) / Have a Song on Your Lips》中文字幕下载

Yuri Kashiwaga was once known as a genius pianist. One day, she returns to her hometown in Goto Islands from Tokyo. There, she begins to work as a temporary teacher at a middle school and advisor for the school chorus. The chorus aims to take part at a competition. Yuri gives the members of the chorus members an assignment. She instructs them to write a letter with the title of "To myself 15 years later." The 15-year-old boys and girls write about their secrets and worries.
