
又名:神奇宝贝 / 宠物小精灵 / 口袋妖怪 / 口袋怪兽 / Pokémon / Pocket Monsters / Pokémon:Indigo League / 精灵宝可梦无印

主演:松本梨香 大谷育江 饭冢雅弓 兴梠里美 上田祐司 关智一 林原惠美 三木真一郎 犬山犬子 石冢运升 小林优子 高山南 鸟海胜美 

导演:汤山邦彦 / 日高政光 / 小野胜巳 / 石原立也 / 秦义人 / 福本洁 / 大原实 / 原口浩 / 江上洁 / 浅田裕二 / 藤本义孝 / 岩崎太郎 / 小川浩司 / 广岛秀树 / 松本正幸 / 冈崎幸男 / 石仓贤一 / 岩本保雄 / 井硲清高 / 深泽幸司 / 元永庆太郎 / 编剧:田尻智 Satoshi Tajiri


《精灵宝可梦》(1997)原名《ポケットモンスター》字幕下载 / 又名《神奇宝贝 / 宠物小精灵 / 口袋妖怪 / 口袋怪兽 / Pokémon / Pocket Monsters / Pokémon:Indigo League / 精灵宝可梦无印》中文字幕下载

Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of two friends, Misty and Brock, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for all 150 Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket and their Pokémon, Meowth.


日期 资源名称
2022-12-03 精灵宝可梦\Pocket Monsters 【001-279】【Amazon】
2022-11-27 精灵宝可梦/宠物小精灵第一部 001-118 【关都 橘子群岛】
2021-05-21 PokemonTheMovie1998-2010.Cht.ass
2021-05-21 宠物小精灵 XY[粤语] - 01 .srt
2019-05-12 PokemonTheMovie1998-2010.Cht.ass
2019-05-12 宠物小精灵 XY[粤语] - 01 .srt
