派对女孩Party Girl(2014)


上映日期:2014-05-15(戛纳电影节) / 2014-09-03(法国)片长:96分钟

主演:Angélique Litzenburger Joseph Bour Mario Theis 塞缪尔·泰斯 Séverine Litzenburger 

导演:玛丽·阿玛苏克里 / 克莱尔·比尔格 / 塞缪尔·泰斯 / 编剧:玛丽·阿玛苏克里 Marie Amachoukeli-Barsacq/克莱尔·伯杰 Claire Burger/塞缪尔·泰斯 Samuel Theis


第67届戛纳电影节一种注目单元宣布由法国影片《派对女孩》开幕,La Femis毕业的三人导演组合,曾凭《福尔巴克》获克莱蒙费朗短片奖,凭《女孩免费》获凯撒最佳短片奖。此次是他们首次执导长片,讲述一位60岁的酒吧女郎,依旧夜夜派对与男欢歌。她渐渐觉得自己老了。有天她决定嫁给自己的一个熟客……
Plot Summary:Angélique is sixty. But she is not old. The best proof is that she is still working as a taxi girl in a cabaret by the French-German border. And that her love for men is intact. And that she keeps loving partying. And that there is nothing for her like night life... Of course clients are becoming rarer and rarer. Sure a few of them are offensive to her and treat her like meat... But what a surprise when Michel, a friendly retired miner, asks her to marry him! Will she be able to become a respected married lady? Will she manage to make it up with her family? Can she really say farewell to her present lifestyle?


奶琦 • 女人

一部把女性心理诠释的很到位的细腻片子。 从一开始便占据着主导与控制的位置,主动找上熟客门上。一股渺小