路易之后After Louie(2017)

又名:失落时代(港) / 路易时代(台)

上映日期:2017-03-17(伦敦LGBT电影节) / 2018-03-30(美国)片长:100分钟

主演:艾伦·卡明 扎克瑞·布斯 萨莉塔·乔德霍里 帕特里克·布林 威尔逊·克鲁兹 大卫·德雷克 Everett Quinton Anthony Johnston 贾斯汀·邦德 Joseph Arias Lucas Caleb Rooney John Thomas Waite 埃里克·贝瑞曼 

导演:Vincent Gagliostro / 编剧:Vincent Gagliostro/安东尼·约翰斯顿 Anthony Johnston


每个年代的同志,各自在平权道上留下过不同的足迹。世代交替,曾经为同志平权奋身力争过的同志,付出过的努力,又会否给新一代珍惜?森美曾是同志团体 ACT UP 的成员,走过爱滋病肆虐的年代,到今日仍被倖存者的内疚折腾。他不能明白年青一代对性别政治的漠不关心,以及无忧无虑的性爱生活。一次,他在一间酒吧邂逅年轻的白兰顿,二人火速搭上,森美的创作灵感得以重燃,受伤的内心更开始慢慢疗愈。
Plot Summary:After Louie explores the contradictions of modern gay life and history through Sam, a man desperate to understand how he and his community got to where they are today. As an AIDS activist and member of ACT UP in the 1980s and 90s, Sam witnessed the deaths of too many friends and lovers. Battlewounded and struggling with survivor's guilt, Sam now resents the complacency of his former comrades and derides what he sees as the younger generation's indifference to the politics of sex, and of death. An unexpected intimacy with a much younger man challenges Sam's understanding of contemporary gay life. Through this unconventional romance, he is forced to deal with the trauma that so informs his past, their present, and an unknown future.


Cheng • 瞎扯


little Alex
little Alex • third HKLGFF movie

It's aboout an older gay man who watched all his f

Reinhardt • Every generation has it's own confrontations.

Sam是一个轻度PTSD的愤怒中年。 他找Money Boy解决生理需求,事后冷漠地抽着事后烟,在电