独人捉迷藏新剧场版ひとりかくれんぼ 新劇場版(2013)



主演:增田有华 滝口ミラ 折原美香 丹羽博人 兜政孝 小西悠加 相马圭祐 

导演:山田雅史 / 编剧:山田雅史/宮本武史


Plot Summary:When rumors about students who played at hitori Kakurenbo (sort of hide and seek alone with a ghost) propagate in high school, Shiori can no longer join his older brother Motoya. On his way to the apartment he is supposed to live, she found an empty room. But an internet forum unearthed on the computer of her brother leads her to believe that the disappearance of the latter may well be linked to this sordid game of hide and seek. Despite attempts by her boyfriend Noboru and his best to reassure her friend Yuko, Shiori is beginning to be convinced that something he wants her too and tries to track down. It will then turn to Shiraishi, a former classmate of her brother, trying to understand what is happening and return Motoya.


怯怯 • 女主角为何卷入游戏?和“二年级的女生”有关吗?一些疑问

女主非常可爱,自立自强、重感情,而且很勇敢。 请教各位高人,能不能帮我解释一下,我看了两遍还是没明白