
又名:杂技演员/The Acrobat

主演:塞巴斯蒂安·理查德 Sébastien Ricard/尤利·鲍劳 Yury Paulau/Victor Fomine

导演:罗德里格·让 / 编剧:罗德里格·让 Rodrigue Jean



杂技师主演:塞巴斯蒂安·理查德 Sébastien Ricard/尤利·鲍劳 Yury Paulau/Victor Fomine, 蒙特利尔下起了雪。市中心的鹤在跳催眠芭蕾时,两个陌生人在一间未完工的公寓里随机相遇。他们的偶然相遇导致了一种暴力的吸引和超越理性的依赖。有一个人是俄罗斯出生的职业杂技演员,他的未来受到断腿的威胁。另一个是一个沉默寡言、仪表堂堂的人。谁支配着谁?谁又控制着谁?事实证明,爱情是痛苦的,人际关系是复杂的。
Montreal is snowed under. While the downtown cranes dance their hypnotic ballet, two strangers meet randomly in an unfinished apartment. Their chance encounter leads to a violent attraction and a dependency beyond reason. One man is a Russian-born professional acrobat whose future is jeopardized by a broken leg. The other is a buttoned-down, well groomed man of few words. Which one dominates? Which one manipulates? As it turns out, love is painful and human relations are complex.


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