
又名:汤屋里我记得(台) / Mio on the Shore / 我很轻松

主演:松本穗香 Honoka Matsumoto/渡边大知 Daichi Watanabe/德永绘里 Eri Tokunaga/吉村界人 Kaito Yoshimura/光石研 Ken Mitsuishi/樫山文枝 Fumie Kashiyama

导演:中川龙太郎 / 编剧:末木はるみ/中川龙太郎 Ryûtarô Nakagawa/佐近圭太郎

上映日期:2019-07-05(台北电影节) / 2019-11-15(日本)片长:96M


汤屋街物语主演:松本穗香 Honoka Matsumoto/渡边大知 Daichi Watanabe/德永绘里 Eri Tokunaga/吉村界人 Kaito Yoshimura/光石研 Ken Mitsuishi/樫山文枝 Fumie Kashiyama, 以乡村少女进城打工,却在复杂难解的都市人际关系中载浮载沉的生命故事为题,描写孤身一人投靠亡父挚友的女主角,在城市老街一角的汤屋里看遍悲欢离合的惆怅物语,宛若现代写实版的《魔女宅急便》,女主角松本穗香曾演出《谢谢你,在世界的角落找到我》电视剧版女主角,被视为日本影坛潜力新秀。
20-year-old Mio has lost her parents early and runs a traditional Japanese inn in Nagano with her grandmother. As her grandmother gets sick and hospitalized, Mio is forced to leave the inn and reluctantly comes to Tokyo to live with her father's old friend Kyosuke. Helping him at the bathhouse he runs, she begins to find her way in everyday life. One day, however, she learns the bathhouse is on the verge of demolition for the redevelopment in the district.

