锁住的男人Kept man(2014)

主演:Wilson Cleveland/哈特利·索耶尔 Hartley Sawyer

导演:Brett Annese / 编剧:Wilson Cleveland



锁住的男人主演:Wilson Cleveland/哈特利·索耶尔 Hartley Sawyer, 刚刚单身的Jake (Wilson Cleveland) 独自在酒吧消磨时光,缅怀结束的又一段感情,这时Brian (Hartley Sawyer)靠过来。他们很快陷入热恋并住在了一起,过着神仙眷侣般的生活。可Brian的精神状况却急转直下,Jake被迫要照料这个他深爱的男人,很快他要面对的是极大的恐慌。
Newly-single Jake is sitting alone in a bar, mourning the end of yet another relationship when he's approached by Brian. The two fall in love fast, move in together and appear to be living the life of a happy couple. When Brian's mental state takes a drastic and dangerous dive, Jake is forced to care for the man he loves and soon fears the most.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Kept Man (2014)
