神秘蜡像馆Mystery of the Wax Museum(1933)


主演:莱昂内尔·阿特威尔 Lionel Atwill/菲伊·雷 Fay Wray/格伦达·法瑞尔 Glenda Farrell/弗兰克·麦休 Frank McHugh/加文·戈登 Gavin Gordon/Edwin Maxwell/福尔摩斯·赫伯特 Holmes Herbert

导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹 / 编剧:Don Mullaly/Carl Erickson/Charles Belden



神秘蜡像馆主演:莱昂内尔·阿特威尔 Lionel Atwill/菲伊·雷 Fay Wray/格伦达·法瑞尔 Glenda Farrell/弗兰克·麦休 Frank McHugh/加文·戈登 Gavin Gordon/Edwin Maxwell/福尔摩斯·赫伯特 Holmes Herbert,
In London, sculptor Ivan Igor struggles in vain to prevent his partner Worth from burning his wax museum...and his 'children.' Years later, Igor starts a new museum in New York, but his maimed hands confine him to directing lesser artists. People begin disappearing (including a corpse from the morgue); Igor takes a sinister interest in Charlotte Duncan, fiancée of his assistant Ralph, but arouses the suspicions of Charlotte's roommate, wisecracking reporter Florence.

