少女从军记Our Girl(2013)

又名:我们的女孩 试播集

主演:蕾希·特纳 Lacey Turner/马修·麦克诺提 Matthew McNulty/Paul Fox/Daniel Black/Steven Miller

导演:大卫·德鲁 / 编剧:Tony Grounds



少女从军记主演:蕾希·特纳 Lacey Turner/马修·麦克诺提 Matthew McNulty/Paul Fox/Daniel Black/Steven Miller, 枯燥严肃的家庭氛围让年轻富有朝气的莫利(蕾希·特纳 Lacey Turner 饰)感到忍无可忍,身为家中的长女,父母对莫利的严格管教像一块巨石压在莫利的胸口让她无法喘息。在18岁生日上,压抑已久的莫利只能通过酒精麻痹痛苦,喝得烂醉的她徘徊在街道上。可以说是偶然,也可以说是上帝的指引,在不知不觉中,莫利来到了国家陆军征兵处的门前,而这一“意外”将永远改变莫利的命运。   背负着巨大的压力,莫利成为了一名士兵。刚开始,初来乍到的她并不能适应军中的生活,但随着时间的推移,她越来越感觉到,自己做出了正确的选择。在不断的自我成长和严格的自我要求中,莫利逐渐发现人生的方向。
Our Girl is the story of Molly Dawes, born and raised in the London Borough of Newham. Molly is the eldest of five kids with little future, a difficult father and a mother who always wanted more for her. Leaving school with no qualifications, Molly has a part-time job in a local nail bar. Drunk and despondent on the evening of her 18th birthday, she throws up in the doorway of an Army Recruitment Office. She doesn't know it then, but it's an action that will change her life forever...

