南山的部长们남산의 부장들(2020)

又名:The Man Standing Next

主演:李秉宪 Byeng-hun Lee/李星民 Sung-min Lee/郭度沅 Do-Won Kwak/金素真 So-Jin Kim

导演:禹民镐 / 编剧:禹民镐 Min-ho Woo/李智敏 Ji-min Lee



南山的部长们主演:李秉宪 Byeng-hun Lee/李星民 Sung-min Lee/郭度沅 Do-Won Kwak/金素真 So-Jin Kim, 中央情报部部长金炯旭失踪案电影化。电影"南山的部长们"以韩国中央情报部(KCIA)的部长们(副总理级)与他们所主导的政治阴谋为素材, 原作为揭露韩国政治内幕的同名小说。以历代中央情报部的部长金载圭和金炯旭的故事为中心重新创作而成。时任部长金炯旭在享受着无所不能的权利时却突然从前任韩国总统朴正熙眼前消失,流亡后离奇失踪。至今为止金炯旭失踪案件的全貌尚未揭示,是现代史中的一宗迷案。
In the 1970s Korea is under the absolute control of the president Park who controls the KCIA the organization with the edge over any branch of government. The director of case CIA is the seemingly most prospective second in command midst of rain I fear for McKay CIA director, who knows all about the governments obscure operations exiles to the US where the investigation of corrugate is underway as attention escalates the stifling political maneuvering by the second in command unfolds

