
又名:Happy Hotel

主演:姜武 Wu Jiang/宁静 Jing Ning/姚橹 Lu Yao/郑京虎 Kyeong-ho Jeon/孟瞳迪 Tong-di Meng/林子聪 Chi Chung Lam/黄奕 Yi Huang/刘桦 Hua Liu/杜海涛 Haitao Du/张达明 Cheung Tat-Ming/隋凯 Mike Sui/黄姿琪 Ziqi Huang

导演:王岳伦 / 编剧:王岳伦 Yuelun Wang



乐翻天主演:姜武 Wu Jiang/宁静 Jing Ning/姚橹 Lu Yao/郑京虎 Kyeong-ho Jeon/孟瞳迪 Tong-di Meng/林子聪 Chi Chung Lam/黄奕 Yi Huang/刘桦 Hua Liu/杜海涛 Haitao Du/张达明 Cheung Tat-Ming/隋凯 Mike Sui/黄姿琪 Ziqi Huang, 商界女强人孟京花(宁静 饰)与老公钱十强(姜武 饰)婚后一直未育,于是暗自联系韩国大师到乐天酒店治疗。来讨账的金太顺(郑京虎 饰)被喜哥(姚鲁 饰)安排到海景房,误以为京花是按摩女,而京花也把他当成了韩国医生。二人驴唇不对马嘴,不检点的金太顺被半职业拳击手京花一拳击中。遭到重击的金太顺没了呼吸,京花害怕向老钱求救。未想在同一酒店与小三凯蒂(孟瞳迪 饰)约会的老钱自身难保,正在央求喜哥不要把这事曝光,喜哥开价一百万。央求逃离酒店的京花和四处借钱的老钱在电梯里相遇了……
Inspired by true events. A nine year old girl disappears and is later found murdered. The movie exploits the events leading up to the death of the girl, why did it happen? What lies beneath? Was the parenting of the young perpetrators to blame or was it their need to be seen. Are they even an invention of the imagination and not real?

