

主演:Bruno Cremer/Jacqueline Bollen/Nicole Colchat

导演:让-皮埃尔·达内 / 吕克·达内 / 编剧:让-皮埃尔·达内 Jean-Pierre Dardenne/吕克·达内 Luc Dardenne



法尔什家族主演:Bruno Cremer/Jacqueline Bollen/Nicole Colchat, 夜幕降临,一架四引擎飞机在机场着陆,走下飞机的是唯一的乘客乔•法尔什——作为法尔什犹太家族最后的幸存者,自从他1938年离开柏林,至今已有四十个年头。在机场到达大厅里等待着乔的,是包括父母、姐妹、兄弟等在集中营丧命的死去的家族以及乔之前所深爱、最终在柏林的轰炸中丧命的纳粹分子的女儿莉莉。一场跨越生死世界的庆典与邂逅就此展开。本片是比利时著名导演组合达内兄弟的剧情片处女作。(小易甫字幕组)
At nightfall, a four-engine aircraft landed at an airport. Only one passenger goes down, Joe, the last survivor of the Jewish family Falsch. He has left Berlin for forty years, in 1938. In the arrival room his dead family is there: parents, sister, brother, sister-in-law, aunt (all of them dead in concentration camps), the uncle and his wife (exiled in England, passed in Palestine and returned to die in Berlin) and Lili, the young German, daughter of a Nazi, whom he loved and who died under the bombing of Berlin. A night of celebration but also face to face dramatic for those thirteen people who have all suffered.


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