夺命五头鲨5-Headed Shark Attack(2017)

主演:Chris Bruno/Nikki Howard/Lindsay Sawyer/Jeffrey Holsman/Chris Costanzo/Amaanda Méndez

导演:Christopher Ray / 



夺命五头鲨主演:Chris Bruno/Nikki Howard/Lindsay Sawyer/Jeffrey Holsman/Chris Costanzo/Amaanda Méndez, 海星状的怪物,五头鲨(头部四个头、尾部一个头)入侵了波多黎各海滩,危及一片和平的天堂岛屿。水生物研究所的几个研究员准备活捉五头鲨,结果损失惨重。没办法的情况下,和警察联手,最后彻底炸死五头鲨。
A four headed shark makes the Puerto Rico coast his private buffet as he chomps on models, photographers, surfers at a surf competition, plus the beach bunnies at the competition on the beach. The police and the aquarium team are at a loss as one by one the 4 headed, now a 5 headed shark , with jaws and a head now at its tail are taking them out now. Will man defeat beast? Who will survive?

