白酋长Lo sceicco bianco(1952)

又名:The White Sheik

主演:Alberto Sordi/Brunella Bovo/Leopoldo Trieste/Giulietta Masina/Lilia Landi

导演:费德里科·费里尼 / 编剧:Federico Fellini/Tullio Pinelli/Ennio Flaiano/Michelangelo Antonioni



白酋长主演:Alberto Sordi/Brunella Bovo/Leopoldo Trieste/Giulietta Masina/Lilia Landi, 伊凡带新婚妻子旺达到罗马度蜜月,这是历史上最缺乏浪漫色彩的蜜月之行,严格死板的安排便是与亲人朋友见面,会见主教等。但年轻貌美的旺达痴迷于一个源于浮华表面的卡通英雄,于是临阵逃婚,开始寻找她那神往的白酋长……
Moments after the newlywed couple of the fastidious office employee Ivan and his young and pure wife Wanda arrive at a hotel in Rome for their honeymoon and a formal meeting with Ivan's uncle, the bride decides to sneak out of the room and leave unnoticed. Wanda, obsessed with the masculine "White Sheik", her idol and hero of her favourite romantic photonovel, and tempted by his fiery invitation, she decides to actually meet him in person just to show him a painting she made. Without a doubt, 20-year-old Wanda risks a lot, however, she needs to see him in all of his glory. Instead, she will reluctantly join the cast of the photonovel, she will even get a small part too, she will be seduced by the arrogant protagonist and ultimately, confused and disappointed, she will inevitably realise that she is all alone and so far away from Rome and her husband. Perplexed by Wanda's strange disappearance and unable to disclose the news to his family, Ivan will seek her in the streets of Rome during the night, counting backwards until their 11 o'clock appointment with the uncle and the Pope in the Vatican. What will the new day bring for the newlyweds?

